deutsche seite
Licenses at /Partusch

Licenses and Copyright

Version 2, September 2005


This website is provided free of charge and under no special conditions. The website and all of its contents is nevertheless protected by copyright and is the intellectual property of Stefan Partusch.

License agreements for the programs

Unless stated else on this website all of the programs provided are Free Software, i.e. Open Source, under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License. See below for special license agreements for some of the programs.

Special licenese agreements for some programs

License agreements for the programs "DevCont" and "Japtra"

The GPL doesn't apply to the programs "DevCont" and "Japtra". Both have special license agreements as stated below. In the following the expression "author" always refers to Stefan Partusch.

  1. The programs "DevCont" and "Japtra" are provided free of charge by the author.
  2. They are free to use and may be copied arbitrarily.
  3. But they mustn't be changed. This especially applies to marks refering to author or copyright.
  4. All rights remain with the author. The programs always remain intellectual property of the author.
  5. Redistribution of the programs is not only allowed but even desired, as long as they remain completely unchanged and undamaged.
  6. The author undertakes great efforts to secure the quality of the programs, yet no warranty on accuracy and functionality of the programs can be granted.
  7. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of these programs.
  8. Because the programs are licensed free of charge, there is absolutely no warranty for the programs. Always use them at your very own risk!